In this Innovation Profile, part of the Process Mining Battleground, Tom Smith reviews mindzie, providing an innovation perspective on the business implications and benefits of its process mining technology after his interview with CEO James Henderson.
00:46 — During the interview, CEO James Henderson expressed use cases for process mining in terms of financial improvement.
01:00 — Henderson provided a customer example and shared, “When you talk about a multibillion-dollar organization that’s processing billions of dollars in orders every single year, and you say you can do that 30% faster, it’s very easy for an executive to generate a significant ROI on that result. That’s financial improvement.”
01:41 — Tom emphasizes, “This is a company that thinks differently.” When asked about how mindzie is helping customers respond to the current macroeconomic environment, Henderson replied that nothing is really different.
02:14 — Mindzie looks at democratizing process mining as a core area of focus for financial improvement, positioning innovation in two ways:
- Enabling business analysts to become process analysts to expand the impact of its technology on the business.
- Democratizing the technology.
02:51 — Tom believes mindzie is correct about being the first company to fully embed generative AI into its platform at a production level. The company has taken a “super aggressive stance on generative AI” to democratize the technology. Regardless of whether it was truly the first company to do so, Tom acknowledges mindzie’s actions as an innovator and leader.