Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. The next three minutes are packed with insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud! Today’s Topic: Bill McDermott Bets on Hyperautomation for ServiceNow
0:09 – Today’s Cloud Wars Minute is presented by Industry Cloud Battleground Week, a digital event taking place between November 15 and 19 and bringing together six of the most influential industry cloud vendors in the world.
0:40 – Bob predicts that ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott’s next big bet is not going to be a big directional change for the company, but instead the pursuit of a more refined and more strategic initiative that goes beyond what they’ve done in the past.
0:57 – ServiceNow did a fantastic job in Q3, growing subscription revenue by 31% and RPO by 32%. Bill McDermott also reiterated the company’s target of $15 billion in revenue by 2026.
01:45 – Bill McDermott talked about ServiceNow’s industry vertical solutions as “leading the way with major brands.”
01:57 – The concept of “hyperautomation” that McDermott mentioned on the Q3 earnings call probably represents where the company wants to go, hinting at the idea that with everything going on within ServiceNow’s customers’ businesses, McDermott’s company is going to be the key to connecting all the systems to each other.