00:14 — Society has been led down a path towards trusting big technology companies handling our data. With data living in the cloud, AI is being leveraged even more for data management. But, what happens when AI makes data privacy choices for us?
00:55 — There are AI models with capabilities to learn from our choices and preferences across the entire internet based on digital interactions on various devices. After learning from our previous choices, these models learn how to make future data privacy decisions for us.
01:41 — In November 2021, the EU launched the Data Governance Act, which ensures responsible and safe reuse of certain categories of data subject to the rights of others.
02:00 — There are already policies in place for personal data management, such as the GDPR. However, from a business perspective, it’s reasonable to question whether AI should even be managing certain types of data.
02:48 — This can change the way businesses protect and look at data as an asset as well as how AI is leveraged for data management.
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