In Episode 3 of the Acceleration Economy Minute, Kieron Allen discusses how organizations must expand their approach to defense.
00:16 — Growing ecosystems of processes, cloud platforms, and operational mechanics should encourage business leaders to expand their approach to defense.
00:25 — In his article, Bill Doerrfeld highlighted a series of important points. He suggests that poor security in open-source software is a funding issue — for the issue to be fixed, more organizations that use open-source software need to dedicate resources to it.
00:52 — Toni Witt’s recent article comments on how a lack of accountability leaves decentralized exchanges (DEX) users open to fraud and the actual DEX themselves more vulnerable to attacks.
01:09 — Chris Hughes reviewed the main takeaways from the Cyber Safety Review Board’s (CSRB) report on the ongoing problems with the Java logging framework, which is open-source software. His article reminds readers that the next attack vector may already be installed in your systems.
01:44 — Cybersecurity attacks are on the rise within the acceleration economy and are becoming harder to predict considering the number of entry points that exist in today’s organizations. To combat cybersecurity attacks, organizations should think holistically about their approach to securing infrastructure. The key to achieving this is to develop a plan that leaves “no windows open.”
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