You’re watching a top moment from the Industry Cloud Battleground Week highlighting the healthcare industry. This five-day digital event, which premiered in November 2021, delivered insights to inspire, educate and engage business and technology leaders who are actively defining their industry-specific cloud strategy.
00:09 — Through co-innovation, SAP Healthcare is prototyping the operating room of the future: OP 4.1. It’s equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and business concepts. As a technology and business platform, the OP 4.1 prototype enables software-defined healthcare and brings innovative, software-based solutions at scale.
00:44 — For example, the OP 4.1 prototype integrates data and procedural information from devices during surgery and shares it in real-time.
00:52 — There are many beneficial clinical outcomes, such as safer and more precise surgeries. Also, surgeons no longer have to combine all operating room data by themselves. They can focus on performing procedures and improving patient care.
01:08 — This multi-sided market for micro-services and data promotes co-innovation between healthcare device manufacturers and software developers.