You may have heard of the term “edge computing” thrown around a lot lately. It’s typically mentioned along with IoT, AI, and connectivity. And, yes, while this is a lot going on in this space, there is still much to explore.
Further, you need to ask yourself if you really understand what edge computing really is? Or, is it just smoke and mirrors from marketing hype?

In this “Back @ IT” episode, I chat with Leonard Lee, Managing Director and Founder of neXt Curve and member of the Acceleration Economy Analyst Network. We’ll discuss the practicality of edge computing, the impacts of AI, satellites, 5G, and much more.
00:47: Leonard outlines his expertise across leading and emerging edge computing topics. Additionally, he touches on the purpose of neXt Curve and the intersection of new capabilities and digital transformation.
03:58: Many of the operators in and around edge computing don’t amount to much in and of themselves. Further, there is a huge translation gap between hype and reality.
09:12: The satellite industry is going through a transition. First, there is a lot of excitement and hyperbolic narratives being spun at the moment that are great for clickbait headlines. Second, there are new frontier opportunities but they fall inside very challenging constraints.
15:56: Leonard finds he debates quite a few analysts and industry people about the edge and edge computing. And, many people confuse edge computing and endpoint computing which is basically your smartphone.
“Here’s the thing edge computing, or on-device computing, has always been there. What isn’t realistic, is assuming that everything is going to be served from a central cloud.”
Leonard Lee | Managing Director and Founder of neXt Curve
18:28: There is much to consider besides the edge devices such as latency, data, security, connectivity availability, types of devices, and storage availability on the devices.
23:59: Proof of concepts are sometimes created out of bad information. For example, an executive hears that a certain technology is going to create a “gajillion dollars” in economic value. They pull in their CTO or CIO and wants this stuff to happen. In reality, it’s just smoke and mirrors.
26:39: Security is a hypersensitive topic currently. This requires a closer look at edge devices and data in transit to ensure nothing is open to compromise. Additionally, each of the components that are part of the edge needs to be scrutinized for compliance.
33:16: Unfortunately, many companies projected their business plans on outdated technology and didn’t consider newer technologies and how they could empower their growth potential.
36:39: There are many great tools to assist with cybersecurity, reduce risk, and prevent many forms of attacks. But, there is a need for a mind shift as nobody is really listening to what’s happening as long as it doesn’t happen to them.