In his latest edition of the Enterprise AI Minute, Aaron reviews a study comparing cancer detection rates with and without AI-assisted screenings. This solution is from a Germany-based startup, Vara. Radiologists hope the results from the artificial intelligence (AI) model will reduce the human error involved with current screening processes and assist with the present shortage of radiologists worldwide.
00:07 — Aaron examines the Cloud Wars Expo on-demand pass, with content becoming available July 20th.
00:37 — AI-assisted breast cancer screening is producing promising outcomes. Data from more than 367,000 mammograms (including patient history and other notes) was fed through the AI model.
01:20 — The data was sorted into one of three categories: confident (normal), not confident, and confident (cancer). The AI-assisted screening process improved cancer detection rates by 3.6%.
01:48 — Radiologists on their own can miss 1 in 8 cancers due to human error.
02:38 — The artificial intelligence model can also pre-populate forms and reports to save radiologists’ time on administrative work, potentially easing the stress of a global shortage of radiologists.
03:30 — Making up for the people-shortage and the human error involved in diagnosing cancers has the potential for enormous real-world impact.