This episode is brought to you by the Cloud Wars Expo. This in-person event will be held from June 28th to 30th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
00:30 — Fusion energy is the science fiction of the world—a promise of unlimited carbon-free energy. The process to harness the fusion energy state means you have to essentially harvest the power of the sun.
01:00 — This implies that you would have to heat fuel to above 100 million degrees. At this point, electrons are completely stripped of their atoms and what’s left is a form of matter called plasma.
01:20 — Scientists have used strong magnetic fields to isolate hot plasma. However, there is a great challenge in predicting the temperature and density profiles for the magnetic fields required to confine the plasma.
01:50 — Despite this challenge, researchers have developed a way to use machine learning to reduce the required CPU time and maintain the level of solution accuracy.
02:00 — Turbulence is the mechanism of heat loss of confined plasma. There needs to be a consistent calculation of the plasma profiles to accurately predict how to contain the plasma.
02:45 — The outcomes of this research will have a long-term impact. By harnessing complex algorithms with very demanding parameters, we can apply that to future uses of AI and machine learning.
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