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Cloud Wars

Securing Software-as-a-Service Applications

A Securing SaaS Applications Guidebook | Underwritten by Lookout

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What's Inside

The rise of software-as-a-service (SaaS) means new, exciting opportunities for businesses across all industries; but new security challenges come with those opportunities. These challenges must be met to avoid catastrophe down the line. But security cannot come at the expense of growth: Solutions need to be balanced with business enablement to ensure your company stays safe and reaps the full benefits of SaaS while staying competitive in the acceleration economy.

Our Securing Software-as-a-Service Applications guidebook helps you attain that balance by demonstrating the why & how of integrating SaaS securely into your business so that it runs smoothly while staying fully protected. Our group of expert practitioner-analysts, including Robert Wood, Kieron Allen, Aaron Back, Tony Uphoff, Wayne Sadin, Frank Domizio, Tom Smith, and Chris Hughes draw upon their expertise.

Learning Objectives

  1. How Lookout enables companies to have their ecosystem fully secured, from mobile devices to cloud apps
  2. Balancing new functionality and security through CIO and CISO collaboration
  3. Why application security is now on the CEO’s radar due to increased vulnerabilities
  4. Why zero trust MUST be part of the foundation for SaaS security
  5. Why contextual analysis is critical to AppSec for zeroing in on the most exploitable vulnerabilities
  6. Centralizing API security and compliance by utilizing a SaaS control plane
  7. How to secure multi-cloud strategy risks but still reap the benefits that multi-cloud provides