Cloud Wars

Data at Scale – Teradata VantageCloud Lake on AWS

A Data Modernization Guidebook | Underwritten by Teradata & AWS

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What's Inside

Partnerships are necessary to ensure customers can achieve strategic goals and address complex challenges. They are particularly important when it comes to scaling data needs as an organization scales. Learn how Teradata VantageCloud Lake running on AWS delivers a customer solution that meets the demands of their business.

This guidebook highlights the win-win relationship between Teradata and AWS, as Teradata is able to utilize the resilient AWS cloud infrastructure and scale for customers and AWS has a technology partner in Teradata that illustrates their cloud capabilities regardless of the size of the customer.

Learning Objectives

  1. Data at Scale: An Executive Committee Point of View
  2. How Teradata Unifies Data for Analytics in Multi-Cloud Environments
  3. How to Turn Your Data Into Actionable Business Insights at Scale
  4. How to Leverage Data Securely and Quickly at Scale with Teradata VantageCloud Running on AWS