Cloud Wars

Retail Innovation With AI, Data, and Cybersecurity

An Acceleration Economy Retail Innovation Guidebook

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What's Inside

Browse online, browse in-store — these days, most people are equally comfortable with both, and if you’re in retail, you need to be prepared to give them a wonderful customer experience whether they’re pushing a cart down an aisle or lazing on their couch with their phone. That means you need to be up on the latest trends in AI, data, and cybersecurity.

Our Retail Innovation guidebook will arm you with all you need to know. Our group of expert practitioner-analysts, including Joanna Martinez, Frank Domizio, Toni Witt, Paul Swider, and Scott Vaughan draw on their diverse backgrounds as CISOs, CMOs, startup founders, and CMOs.

Learning Objectives

  1. Why hyperautomation isn't a "one-and-done" project
  2. The importance of merging data silos
  3. How specialized software like Microsoft Cloud for Retail can benefit your organization
  4. The three common vulnerabilities retailers need to be aware of
  5. The advances that are making retail healthcare increasingly popular
  6. How the Internet of Things (IoT) can be employed in retail
  7. The cloud's role in data-driven marketing